Results of the 2018 Consortium project

“The 2018 project is the first project managed by ESPS on behalf of the CS4 consortium. It has enabled the realization of 40 mobilities. However, in the context of the health crisis that we encountered from March 2020, 3 STA mobilities could not take place. When we look more precisely at the mobilities achieved, they consist for the most part of student mobility for internships. The participants come from the 4 members of the consortium and are preparing the 3 main diplomas proposed (State Diploma of Social Work Assistant, Specialized Educator and Educator of Young Children). The mobilities were carried out in 10 partner countries of the ERASMUS+ program. This 2018 project carried out by the CS4F Consortium has therefore enabled the joint creation of a large network of host organizations. Finally, this first joint project was an opportunity to exchange good practices to improve the quality and development of ERASMUS+ mobilities.”


Consortium Social des 4 Frontières